Introducing new slogan: "Entertaining the world"
Gamota introduces new slogan - Entertaning the World

Why the change?

A 10-year journey: Since 2013, our previous slogan, “There must be bros to play games,” was about camaraderie and brotherhood. It reflected our initial vision: to bring people together through gaming. 

But, like all great journeys, there were challenges. We realized that the world of gaming was much broader than just ‘bros’. Gaming should revolve around all types of human connections. We faced cultural, geographical, and linguistic barriers as we expanded beyond Vietnam. Our B2B-centric strategy introduced us to an entirely new battlefield.

Gamota introduces new slogan - Entertaning the World


A Global Vision

We decided to do something, something that must align with our new approach. Gaming goes beyond boundaries. Gaming should speak a universal language that unites people from all corners of the globe. From that big idea, our vision evolved from “brotherhood” to something much bigger – “Entertaining the world.” 

It is not just a few words; it’s a promise we make to global players. We dream big and we’re gonna achieve big. We will strive to become a leading global game publisher, where everyone recognizes the values that games bring to our life

Gamota introduces new slogan - Entertaning the World


The New Horizon: What Lies Ahead?

With our new slogan, “Entertaining the world,” we are on a mission to entertain the world by publishing high-quality games and excellent gaming experiences. We will transform our strategies, and partnerships, and introduce newly developed games to cater to a diverse global audience. Additionally, redefining our purpose, and embracing change as a core value. 

Today, we are proud to say that Gamota is no longer limited by borders. We’re entering new markets, collaborating with partners from every continent, and entertaining millions of gamers worldwide. With “Entertaining the world” as our guiding star, we aim to create unforgettable gaming experiences for all of our audience on a global scale.

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